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Space Rocks: The City Killers...

Space Rocks: The City Killers...

Article by Jeremy Berke

NASA says there are millions of space rocks, dubbed NEOs (Near Earth Objects), that could threaten the existence of our planet. 

Their report states that NASA, with the help of other agencies, is developing a program to “locate, track, and destroy NEOs that pose a threat to Earth.  But wait, doesn’t NASA have all those fancy gadgets that can track an ant on Mars (and no, there aren’t ants on Mars)?  Well, the issue has more to do with the size of these heavenly projectiles. 

These rocks are about 450ft in diameter, but moving at high enough speed, these bad boys can take out an entire city with ease.  That’s why it is an important issue, but politics in the agency have kept it at an “extended study phase.” Hopefully that won’t be for too much longer.

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