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The Moon Landing: Part II

   NASA is planning a return trip to the Moon.  As exciting as this sounds, the goals they have set in place seems flimsy, at best. The vague time table, along with the non-secured contacts, makes me wonder if it will happen. 

    In spite of not having anything set in stone, the goal is to have the Gateway fully functional by 2024. This means the power module needs to be launched before that, in 2022.  They also need to launch the Habitable module at some point as well. Possibly, in or around 2026, they will send that module, alongside a human crew.

    This all seems doable in the timeline they have given, until you realize none of the modules have been built. This puts a huge dent in the timeline. But the space agency says it hopes to work with commercial space agencies to get the rockets (which also haven’t been built yet), modules, and contracts together in the time they’ve allotted. We shall see. My digital calendar is already marked.