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Green Waste

Solar Panels are often thought of as a safe and easy way to start using renewable energy, but that might not be the case. It turns out that solar power might not be so “clean” after all. This is in part due to cheaply made panels and those cells being damaged in inclement weather. The panels often contain highly toxic materials, such as Cadmium Telluride, that could potentially get into our water supply.

China, a fixture in business and technological growth, was a major player in recycling old American solar cells, but they recently stopped by few years ago. Despite the potentially huge health hazard and environmental issue, Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) has started working with recycling companies in the U.S., although the volume is low at the moment.

While higher quality cells last longer (25-30yrs), they are more expensive that the lower quality cells, which only have a life span of 5 years. This might could potentially stunt the growth of the solar industry. Hopefully a viable recycling solution can be found soon, before the problem becomes unmanageable.