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Hey Space...WYD? ;)

Hey Space...WYD? ;)

Hey there! We're OFFICIALLY back next week. But too much has been going on to stay silent. PLEASE make sure you head over to the IG page for additional stuff!


Couple things, China landed on the far side of the moon and our Horizon probe is still pressing through the cosmos sending back pictures of the strange What exactly is the "far side of the moon"? Well, the moon takes quite a while to rotate on its axis, so it APPEARS to be sitting still. The "far side of the moon" is the part that faces away from earth. We've seen the other side using satellites. Though it is difficult to tell from Earth, the entire moon gets light. It just gets it slower than we can observe it. It takes 27 days for the moon to rotate on its axis. Way too slow and too far to even tell the difference. Still a cool effort. Much like exploration needed of our oceans, we need to know more about what's near our home world.


New Horizons was launched in 2006 with the mission to flyby Jupiter and Pluto. Mission accomplished! A long ass time ago. Now, onto greater things. Like a flyby of Ultima Thule. A deep space object in the Kuiper Belt. The image provided by New Horizons looks like a snowman. New discoveries in deep space is interesting, albeit complicated to fully understand without a physics degree. Still very cool.



NY Times

Neil Tyson

Shoes on Pointe

Shoes on Pointe

We'll be Back!

We'll be Back!