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Where No Man Has Gone

Where No Man Has Gone

So, I'm going to be that guy to say "About damn time!" no matter how cool a technological advancement appears to be. Don't judge me.


Science Alert is reporting of talks to create a space station INSIDE AN ASTEROID. Sounds super Sci-Fi. Sounds damn cool. Sounds pretty damn dangerous. I'm here for it all. I honestly don't think we take as many chances for advancement as we should. There must be more pioneering movements to push these mundane boundaries we've gotten used to. For example, SpaceX and the continuous development of private space agencies. This makes it possible to do outlandish things for the sake of science. Like, shooting a car into the sun's orbit to test a rocket. Yes......Absolutely. 


Well, it appears the creation of a space station inside of an asteroid is an economical venture. The purpose is primarily for mining and materials gathering. Asteroids are known to hold tons of precious metals. There's already lots of smaller space agencies that focus on space mining. Cool. Although, I do think it sucks it takes the possibility of monetary gain to move the sticks in the space exploration game. Sad, but I'll take what I can get.

Patent Pending

Patent Pending

Making a Change

Making a Change