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There are a million and one ways to connect with each other nowadays. We have work and school, along with cell phones and social media. But, a less obvious way of meeting new people can be through gaming. Not even just the typical gaming we think of like a teenage boy barricaded in his room playing Call of Duty. There's also plenty of subtle games we play everyday without putting too much thought into such as word games online or the lovely Candy Crush (which my mother took way too long building up her rep for that as "The Facebook Queen").

Anyway, this is just a long way to say that something cool happened!

Creators from all over have brainstormed and executed this idea of "cloud gaming." You may already be familiar with the Cloud, but it's a storage space that saves data in a way that's similar to archiving photos where the data is not taking up room on your device. The part that makes it nice for everyday application, though, is that your things are still accessible from the cloud, and it's essentially unlimited storage space.

So cloud gaming revolves around uploading games to a cloud where people can access it from no matter where they are or what type of device they have on them. This could eliminate the process of having to buy a console and controllers while still bringing together people from all over to play something. The idea originated from a company called OnLive in early 2010, but now, Sony and Microsoft are teaming up to mass produce and bring it to more people.


What do you think about the new gaming system or the Cloud in general? Let us know on our social media linked below!

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