As It Matters

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Sooner or Laser

Okay, guys. The end of the world is coming.


     But that's how I felt when I read articles about the Pentagon developing technology that could send "message beams" into our heads. And as the New York Post said, "hold on to your tinfoil hats, because there's certainly a conspiracy theory a-brewin' here." (Sparks).

     If you do not know what the Pentagon is, it's the United States base for pretty much all things concerning national security and the military. So now, in the hopes of creating non-lethal weapons of warfare, the Pentagon has gone into construction mode with these lasers. From what I understand, this technology will be used strictly for military and war situations. For instance, instead of immediately attacking nearby threats, the US military could send a warning or negotiation message of sorts to the other country with the beam. The messages are particularly short with only a few phrases at a time, but they also produce an uncomfortable prickling sensation that is sure to annoy anyone who's on the receiving end.

   Now if you're like me and a physics nerd, you might be wondering what talking lasers would look like. The Pentagon is using the Laser Induced Plasma Method. This means one laser will shoot out a straight beam plasma, and a second one will make the first oscillate so that it mimics sound waves. This method actually sounds very cool, and it almost makes me forget that there could be talking lasers pointed at me within the next ten years. Heh.

How do you guys feel about lasergate? If you feel terrified, excited, or curious, make sure to check out our Instagram page and leave a comment under the post for this article. Happy summer 😀

Source(s): Sparks, Hannah. “'Talking Lasers' That Beam Messages to Our Ears in the Works: Pentagon.” New York Post, New York Post, 31 July 2019,