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Gun Control Without Overstepping

Gun Control Without Overstepping

Sensitive topic in America for obvious reasons. Without getting political and keeping it light for the first post of the new year, we’re highlighting the awesome work of Ethiopia today.

They recently passed a new gun control law that allows for only one firearm per individual and prohibits the mass selling weapons. Personally, I’m not seeing an issue with this. The Africa News site provides some details. Check them out for more info. Bottom-line, in a developed world, there has to be some controls in place to protect people. Also, people have to understand the nature of people when developing those controls. A person can be reasoned with and can be willing to come to a compromise. People, when discussing hot topics in groups, become belligerent, hot headed, and overzealous. That’s why psychology is important in these matters. Mental health is important in these matters. Social empathy is important in these matters.

Nothing is easy when deciding laws that govern people. But safety of the people should be identified as a must. Off of my soapbox. Happy Friday!

The Blob

The Blob

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