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Webb vs Hubble Telescope

Webb vs Hubble Telescope

The Webb and Hubble Space Telescopes were both invented based on the need to find answers to pressing questions about the universe and everything within. Science attempts to figure out what lies beyond our sight through these means.

James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is mostly referred to as Webb. It is a very complex revolving infrared telescope that has a strong sensitivity and a long wavelength. Having a long-wavelength implies being able to see farther back in time. This is what Webb offers and it goes as far back as the big bang!

Hubble Space Telescope was named after an astronomer, Dr Edwin Hubble. It was launched in April 1990, thus making Hubble the first main telescope that was mounted on space. It sits comfortably and captures scenes from the universe beyond the reach of clouds and light. With over 5 servicing missions, Hubble has not stopped serving us enlightening and beautiful pictures of the universe since the last 30 years.

The comparison between Webb and Hubble Space Telescopes is a true reflection of the saying; "the more you know, the more you want to know!"

Webb is a brainchild of Hubble, thus is expected to do a lot more. The upgraded features that Webb bears will be described based on wavelength, orbit and view.

·         The wavelength which Webb uses will be provided by four science instruments which capture astronomical objects. Webb will pick images using infrared, of which that portion of the electromagnetic spectrum covers from 0.75 microns up to a hundred or more. Meanwhile, Hubble observes just a little portion of the spectrum, which is about 0.8 to 2.5 microns.

·         In terms of the orbit, Webb is not intended to orbit around the earth. It is to sit on the L2 Lagrange point between the Earth and the Sun. It will orbit around the sun at about 1.5 million kilometres away from our planet. Hubble however, orbits the earth at approximately 570 kilometres above it. Webb will be launched using an Ariane 5 rocket since its to travel far from earth's orbit. It will not be serviced using a space shuttle. On the other hand, Hubble was launched and serviced using a space shuttle.

·         The view which Hubble offers can pick up very small planets. Webb is being designed to view even smaller ones! Webb has this ability because it is an infrared telescope. Since the universe we live in is continually expanding, it causes space to be created between objects(like planets). As these objects move apart, it becomes more difficult to view their image due to longer wavelengths. At this point, the Webb telescope with its long-wavelength becomes ideal for capturing such images.



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