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Mars Has Entered the Chat

There is so much going on in the world, right now. Most of which, is rooted from the corona-virus pandemic. It is warming to see advancements in other areas of importance. Today, we're highlighting SpaceX's new Starship project. This is a long-duration craft with an interesting multi-faceted mission. The craft will be used for exploration but with different aspects. This includes lunar transport services, cargo transport to the international space station, and mars colonization. Yes, you read that correctly, mars colonization. SpaceX is looking to make a giant leap towards the goal of making humans a multi-planet species. It was Wernher von Braun that initially proposed the goal of landing humans on Mars, back in 1952 in "The Mars Project". Ever since this was published, Mars has been a fascination of us all. From scientists and engineers to Hollywood. There has been several Mars based films that romanticized the planet and its possible origins. Fan favorites include: "The Martian", "Mission to Mars", and even "Total Recall" with Arnold Schwarzenegger.

SpaceX's plans to push ahead in reality with landing humans on Mars is admirable. We're hoping to hear more as development continues. Right now, we know that they are ramping up production by hiring new welders. The idea of Starship is to launch three flights a day. As this is a very ambitious goal, they're going to need all the help they can get. If you're an experienced welder, and in the California area, please look at their postings. While we all try to make sense of everything that's going on in the world, as it pertains to the Corona-virus pandemic.

The team at AIM wants to send out love and well wishes to everyone. Additionally, please make sure you are practicing social distancing and proper hygiene. Pay attention to the science and facts. Most importantly, be safe and take care of yourselves. See you next time!