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Late To The UFO Party?

Late To The UFO Party?

U.S. Pentagon Will Submit Report to Congress on UFOs

Unidentified aerial phenomena, also known as UFOs, is popular among movie lovers where you have spaceship fighters combating aliens and predators. But this is no movie – in 2015, the U.S. Navy pilots flying in their F/A-18 Super Hornets saw objects they could not identify objects that were darting with a speed and technology unknown to man. “We are talking about objects that … frankly engage in actions that are difficult to explain, movements that are hard to replicate, that we don’t have the technology for, or are travelling at speeds that exceed the sound barrier without a sonic boom,” former Director of National Intelligence, John Ratcliffe is reported to have said in a high-profile interview with Fox News in March 2021. Interestingly, the footage was captured by the cockpit cameras until the Pentagon declassified it.

Six years later, the Pentagon is finally ready to clear the air on these strange “discoveries”.

In a highly anticipated report to be submitted to the U.S. Congress, the Pentagon is set to release later in June 2021 what one may expect to “improve understanding of, and gain insight into, the nature and origins of UAPs”, as given in the statement that followed the establishment of an Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) Task Force (UAPTF). It is being reported. However, that senior administration officials privy to the report's findings have revealed there is no evidence to implicate alien spacecraft in the strange phenomena experienced recently. But a concession was given to the possibility that the objects seen by the military pilot could be alien spacecraft.

“What is true, and I’m serious here is that there is footage and records of objects in the skies that we don’t know exactly what they are,’’ Obama responded when asked in May 2021 about the incidents on CBS’ “The Late Late Show with James Corden”. Perhaps the seriousness of the matter is underscored by the knowledge that Democrats and the Republicans are united in understanding the mysteriousness of these records: it has been reported that a Republican and two Democrats surreptitiously secured $22 million in 2007 for the military to study UFOs. Whether the long investments would be worth the answers is another kettle of fish. “I think a lot of people are going to be disappointed because I think we're gonna see more of the same listing of cases that have happened that they can't explain,” UFO investigator and sceptic Mick West is reported to have said. “They can't exclude that it might be aliens… They can't exclude whether it's the Russians or the Chinese, but I do think they're going to say it's not our technology,” Mark Rodeghier, scientific director at the Chicago-based Center for UFO Studies says.


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