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Artemis 1: Return to the Moon

NASA’s long-awaited gigantic new rocket is set to launch to the moon in due time. NASA officials state that the rocket will set out to the moon during the winter. The Artemis-1 is viewed as the largest rocket to ever suffice the milky way. Officials point out that it's set for launch already, but the Artemis still needs to undergo a series of checks 2 weeks before launch. They say it would undergo a “wet dress rehearsal” before its final launch to space. This is to ensure that everything remains effective while helping to prevent post-launch technicalities. 


The well-thought launch of the rocket which is said to be larger than the statue of liberty serves as a new dawn for the next generation. The large rocket is priced at a whopping sum of $4.1 billion, that's per launch of its first 4 missions in space. It's predicted that the rocket would consume a lot of gas. It's presently slated for 3.2 million worth of propellant gas to move it into the ignition. This figure is for a test launch that would stop the countdown every 10 seconds before finally taking off into space. 


The Artemis-1 rocket may be in some kind of competition with SpaceX. Elon Musk has mentioned plans of creating a much more advanced rocket compared to the Artemis-1. SpaceX is already launching its rocket into space. Elon Musk’s rocket would dive into the deepest layers of the atmosphere. 


The business mogul has reiterated that the price per launch of the mega-rocket starts from $10 million. NASA has assured citizens and space enthusiasts that another bigger rocket will sail the lunar atmosphere after the Artemis-1, which would be called Artemis-2. 


Artemis-1 Destination


NASA first made intentions over the Artemis-1 launch as early as 2017. The rocket will be going into space from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The Artemis-1 will travel as wide as reaching the moon and beyond. It plans to explore other layers of the solar system when the first rocket travels. And its mission will be struck without crew members.


It'll be a test drive to skim the atmosphere and make it fit for prospective astronauts for the next journey. The thrust shield will be provided by the European Space Agency. The Artemis-1 will descend to earth where its heat resistance shield would be tested under gravity. 


Any Humans on board?


For the first time, NASA is planning to launch the first woman or women into space, and it probably would be a person of color. NASA says it wants to stabilize a long-term human presence in space. Some sources have revealed that humans would not launch with the Artemis-1. The next project which is Artemis-2 will see the lights of humans. The launch has been calculated to take place around 2024 or 2025 for Artemis-2. Scientists at NASA encourage humans to be hopeful as this is a new milestone for humans!



