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Vitamin K2 Repairs Nerve Cells

Vitamin K2 Repairs Nerve Cells

Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin found in food and available in supplement amounts. It's also known as 2-methyl-1, 4-naphthoquinone. Vitamin K is naturally found in certain foods, mostly green vegetables. The vitamin was discovered 40 years ago. Vitamin K is an important substance that aids blood clotting and coagulation in the body system. Blood clot helps percent excess bleeding. Vitamin K is also a dominant factor in controlling calcium-binding proteins. It is also an essential factor in sphingolipids.


Vitamin K regulates the sphingolipid pathway, its synthesis, and metabolism. Blood Protein like prothrombin is a vitamin K-dependent protein that acts as one of the proteins involved in blood coagulation. A bone protein, osteocalcin, needs vitamin K to promote the reduction of healthy bone tissue. However, vitamin K isn't just blood and regulating vitamins. In a recent investigation, a research group led by Professor Zheng Zhiming from the Hefei Institute of Physical science (HFIPS) found other ways for vitamin K.


In the research, it was revealed that vitamin K2 has regulatory functions in the mitochondrial membrane potential. It was postulated that vitamin K2 alleviates oxidative stress which repairs mitochondrial dysfunctions and prevents nerve cell damage caused by 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA). 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) is an agent that attacks the nerves. This agent degenerates dopamine neurons which causes mitochondrial damage.


Damage to the mitochondria, which is the powerhouse of every nerve cell, leads to the death of the nerve. Vitamin K2 is frequently used in the pathogenesis of several neurodegenerative diseases, especially Parkinson's. The role of this vitamin in the nervous system has been swept under the carpet for a long time. Vitamin K plays a major role in the central and peripheral nervous systems.  The antioxidant nature of vitamin K2 acts as a protective function. Though the mechanism behind this isn't yet fully understood.


Furthermore, it was revealed that vitamin K2 can strongly inhibit 6-OHDA by assisting the nerve cell mitochondria. Vitamins also play a role in apoptosis( cell death) by upregulating the expression of B-cell lymphoma-2. It consecutively down-regulates the expression of Bax. Bax is one of the most significant apoptotic genes in the body system.


According to Dr. Tang Hengfang, it regulates the mitochondrial membrane potential. Balancing ionic differences and reactive oxygen variants. Aside from its mitochondria function, Vitamin K helps to restore broken or failing parts of the nerve cell body. Vitamin K plays a role in cell repair. It restores worn-out mitochondria.


For this reason, it's believed that the nutrient can play a role in nerve cell generation.


It's also believed to help neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Any other neurodegenerative like the former can also be treated with vitamin K2.


Though further research is being conducted to assert the feasibility of the claims.




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