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Invasive Mosquitos in the U.S.

In 2020, an invasive species of mosquito known as Aedes scapularis was seen in Florida for the first time in 75 years. University of Florida researchers and local mosquito control programs disclosed they discovered a population of Aedes scapularis in 2 Florida counties in November 2020.


Similar research in the Journal Insects shows that the mosquito can spread to up to 16 Florida counties, raising concerns because the mosquito is aggressive. It can bite people and carry many diseases.


Entomologist Lawrence Reeves from the University of Florida told NPR’s Greg Allen that the same mosquito species in Brazil was discovered carrying "things like Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus, yellow fever virus and a handful of others."


Ascertaining a non-native species of mosquito across Florida counties where 16 other invasive mosquitoes are already there starts with mosquito traps which attract the insects using dry ice.


The Entomologist Reeves tells NPR that he has gathered thousands or hundreds of bugs from the traps and sieved them with forceps and counted the diverse species accordingly in a bid to identify the non-native species of the mosquito. Also, the mosquitoes’ legs' specific coloration aids scientists to identify them. This discovery is confirmed by DNA analysis.


Reeves revealed to Entomology Today in December 2020, “The central finding of the [first] manuscript is that Aedes scapularis, a non-native mosquito, and potential pathogen vector, is now established in the southern Florida Peninsula. The Florida Strait was likely a geographic barrier for the species, and now that it has crossed that barrier, Aedes scapularis could potentially spread further northward and westward to fill any contiguous areas that are environmentally suitable.”


He also added that climate change and changes in human and trade movement in Florida might contribute to making invasive mosquitoes spread to other places.

Fear of the mosquito species spread

Researchers are worrying that the mosquito species could spread after being detected with a strong population in 2 Florida counties. The research employs ecological niche modeling to ascertain the places that would be alert to the possibility that Aedes scapularis may appear sometime soon. The research indicates 16 counties across Florida’s coast, and Mississippi, Southern Alabama, and Louisiana.

A huge concern with this invasive mosquito is that it can spread disease. It usually carries the virus that brings yellow fever; however, it isn't clear yet if it could transmit the virus to human beings.


Nevertheless, there's a real risk since the species can survive in human environments, feed on several hosts, and even enjoy humans indoors.


Lindsay Campbell, a co-author and an entomologist at the University of Florida told NPR, "If you end up with a species that's capable of transmitting to [birds] and likes to also bite humans, that's the prime condition for a spillover event."


It's good to add that other invasive mosquito species have led to disease outbreaks in Florida in the last few years. For instance, a dengue fever outbreak was associated with the presence of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes in 2013. And in 2016 and 2017, Florida witnessed some cases of the Zika virus that was spread by the Aedes albopictus and Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. It’s now been over a century since the outbreak of yellow fever was recorded in Florida.
