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Canopy Aerospace Wins New Contracts

Canopy Aerospace, a Denver-based firm, has secured two contracts from the US Air Force, totaling $2.8 million, to establish advanced thermal protection systems (TPS). These contracts are intended to improve technologies for hyper-sonic vehicles and spacecraft. The first contract concentrates on transpiration-cooled TPS, where pressurized fluid is expelled to develop an insulating layer, protecting cars from extreme heat. The second contract involves embedding high-temperature sensors in TPS materials to gauge environmental conditions and minimize maintenance needs for nuclear reentry systems.

Transpiration-Cooled Technology

Under one of the contracts, Canopy will advance its transpiration-cooled thermal protection system (TPS) with ceramic materials. This method involves hyper-sonic cars releasing pressurized fluid from their leading edges in reentry, forming an insulation layer that lessens thermal damage. The technology is invaluable in safeguarding cars from intense atmospheric heat. The Air Force’s interest in this project highlights its benefit for future military applications, particularly in hyper-sonic car development, a major area of emphasis for national defense. Canopy’s innovative approach integrates automation, software, and 3D-printing processes while allowing for cost-efficient and scalable production of heat shields.

Embedding Sensors for Improved Monitoring

Meanwhile, the second contract highlights the adoption of high-temperature sensors within the TPS material to extend the operational envelope and gauge environmental factors in real time. This technology will lessen downtime needed for inspections and improve the performance of strategic nuclear reentry systems. These sensors can be instrumental in extending the reliability and lifespan of vital defense systems. The research projects headed by Canopy under these contracts are also expected to benefit commercial partnerships. As Canopy co-founder Matt Shieh said, “We see the government as validating the technology that needs to be developed and the problems that need to be solved in this sector.”

Expanding Canopy's Vision and Future Prospects

Since its founding in 2021, Canopy Aerospace has grown beyond aerospace applications to include industries like power generation, defense, electronics, and computer systems. The firm's new facility near Denver will emphasize on manufacturing and materials development, cementing its status as a significant player in thermal management technologies. With an increasing portfolio of government contracts, including $7.5 million in awards to date, and $4 million raised in venture capital, Canopy is positioning itself as a leader in the development of TPS and other heat management systems or technologies. These contracts signal the benefit of advanced thermal protection systems in both commercial and military applications, and Canopy's innovations can shape the future of hyper-sonic and space vehicle technologies.


Werner, D. (2024). Canopy wins Air Force contracts to develop thermal protection systems. Spacenews. Available at- (Accessed: 10 September 2024)