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Sweet and Sour on a Friday

Sweet and Sour on a Friday

On May 16th, constable Charity Nanyangwe remained at her post and braved a heavy rain to ensure the safety of drivers by directing traffic in Zambia. She was promptly promoted to sergeant soon after. This is just amazing. When you think there isn't enough kindness in the world....there you go. This brightened my week. Congrats Charity.

In DIRECT contrast, there's a comic called "Decent Don" that displays an alternate universe in which Donald Trump is well....a decent guy. (Duh) The comic is impressively drawn and thought out. Definitely give it a look. I find it funny and equally depressing that something like this can only exist because the behavior of the depicted individual is so....well you get the point. Happy Friday world. :)


Photo credits to @Mwebantu

Balling without a Budget

Balling without a Budget

The Alt-Tab Switcheroo

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