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Space Nuts

Space Nuts

I'm not excusing bad math. Let's be clear. If you're a NASA accountant or project manager, your math should be God-level above us mere mortals. That said, Congress is currently yelling at NASA for extremely underestimating the cost and delivery time of the James Webb telescope. The problem? NASA originally scoped the project to be finished in 2007 at a cost of $500 million. Here we are in 2018, no telescope and a projected cost of $9.6 billion. Understandably upset old guys are yelling at the space agency's administration. Yup. Who would have thought that a freaking space telescope that is slated to replace (or work alongside) the Hubble telescope would be a bit more expensive and time consuming? ME. That's who. And probably every other sane individual in the world.

I hate using the word "hate”, but I HATE purposely stupid people. The Hubble came in at a cost of $1.5 billion in 1990. Today, that cost would equal close to $2 billion. I'm not going to detail or list the discoveries made by one of the greatest developments in history because you should already know them.

So, when you draft a project to create something to replace should probably expect a price tag close to, if not more, than the net worth of George Lucas himself! I'm more appalled that someone believed that this could get done with that small amount of money and then complain about it inflating. You must be a special kind of stupid. Also, this is space exploration, cough up the money and stfu. Some things shouldn't have a price tag. This is one of too but don't get me started.

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