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I, Chat-bot!

I, Chat-bot!

  The popular AI, Sophia, who took the world by storm is…well not really what people might think. The company that created Sophia, Hanson Robotics, calls Sophia it’s most advanced robot thus far, but my question is, is this robot truly intelligent?

The short answer is no, but there are features that mimic human behavior. Being able to follow faces and carry on a conversation based on a series of predetermined answers would probably impress most of the population in the short term, unless we ask how this helps humanity. It does not at all.

The features that the robot has are impressive for an advanced paper weight, but these are hardly true signs of intelligence. In my opinion, I don’t think true AI would be possible until quantum computing is streamlined. Until then, we will just have to get used to a chat-bot that smiles.

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