As It Matters

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LG's New Approach to Google Assistant

   LG recently announced their new model of neckbuds that feature Google Assistant support.  This seems like a very useful feature to invest in, especially if you frequently visit other countries. Having a button that you can just press is 100 times more convenient than having to say that cheesy line every few seconds (we all know what it is).

    As simple and thoughtful of an idea this is, it still probably won’t win out over just using your phone. I’d imagine being in a situation where neither party speaks the others language awkward in its own right. Bringing technology, at least at this stage of existence, wouldn’t make the situation go any more smoothly.

    All in all, I’d still invest in a pair when they come out. Being able to listen to another language is somewhat intriguing. Maybe this is just the next step to universal translators