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Taiwan Getting It Done

As the world continues to battle COVID-19, countries have been becoming more and innovative in their efforts to protect their citizens. Some have increased the delivery workforce to help people stay at home. Other countries have issued multiple stimulus packages to their citizens to ease the financial hardship due to job loss.

Taiwan has developed another helpful element: face-mask ATMs.

Yep, you read that correctly, face-mask ATMS. The World Health Organization has issued guidance to use face coverings when being in public places. Due to the massive shortage in Personal Protective Equipment, it has been increasingly difficult for some to acquire. Taiwan has consistently led the way in coronavirus prevention and management. The idea is to ensure this gear is readily available to everyone. Face masks can be cumbersome and, in some cases, fragile. Some can break easily while some can become lost due to their tiny size. Taipei City Government has set a goal of serving 1,200 people in total (at each machine). Current people served has far exceeded expectations. The private sector in cooperation with government IT staff have worked diligently to implement these machines. Each Taiwanese resident with a National Health Insurance card can buy a set of nine masks every 14 days from these vending machines or pharmacies. This is a great idea to promote healthy habits and awareness about the seriousness of the virus.

Based on current numbers, the United States population is 328 million with almost 3 million confirmed infected. Taiwan has a population of 24 million with close to 450 confirmed infected. Let's hope more countries can get on board with healthcare innovations.