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Batty About Conspiracies

Batty About Conspiracies

Halloween is a time of scary stories, questionable costumes, and, of course, the candy that lies on your counter until February. We celebrate (or don’t celebrate) SpookySeason with a smile or look of terror on our faces, and we carry on the next day with anecdotes about the night before. I personally didn’t think much about the negative things surrounding Halloween since I love the holiday so much, but once you take a look at the weird side, it’s hard to come back from it.

There are, frighteningly, a lot of conspiracy theories about Halloween. Down from the Illuminati controlling candy sales to other random articles that concern The Great Big Pumpkin being a ritualistic god that murders kids’ parents (the page I read on this was TL;DR, but there’s a summary). One in particular, though, caught my eye. The theory was about how the common skull and two bones logo that we see everywhere during this time is actually a symbol of a secret society that controls half the world.

It stems on the thought that Yale’s President during 1918 found Geronimo’s grave and dug up his skull and two bones to put on display at the school, leaving them as a symbol for the mysterious club, the Skull and Bones Society. They started in the early 1800s, breaking off from Yale’s main power group in the hopes of resolving inner conflicts. They’ve been said to have connections with the Illuminati, made nuclear bombs, and influenced presidential assassinations. Yikes.

If you want to, you can read up more about it here:

But I advise caution, you’ll fall down a Reddit rabbit hole.

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